- Comprehensive Daily Greens - MyoVite Super Green is a multivitamin supplement that provides a comprehensive blend of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants to support health and well-being.
- Superfood Greens Blend - This product contains a powerful greens blend, including organic barley, spirulina, broccoli sprout powder, and more, delivering a potent dose of nutrients and phytonutrients.
- Immune Support - MyoVite Super Greens feature an organic mushroom blend known for their immune-boosting properties, along with essential nutrients to strengthen your body's natural defenses.
- Optimal Nutrient Absorption - MyoVite Super Greens promote efficient nutrient absorption, maximizing the benefits of its superfood greens and organic mushroom blend for your overall health.
- Ingredients that Serve a Purpose - None of the unnecessary ingredients like fruit powder, vegetable powder and grass powder. Every ingredient serves a purpose in this nutrient powder drink mix.